Compassionate Collaborators

Valuing the vision and voice of others, they collaborate to achieve a common goal.

From their first days at Park, students know that the educational journey is not one that they will have to travel alone. Rather, they are taught that partnerships with their teachers and peers is paramount – and makes the journey much more fun! Beginning in the Lower Division, teachers empower students to think about how they can work with those inside and outside of the school community, and they find joy in this creative process. Collaborative projects across Park’s divisions and departments model this skill for students, as they watch their teachers working together to connect projects across their various classes.

Portraits of Compassionate Collaborators

“It feels good knowing the little things we do make an impact on this world. Organizing everyone at Park to go trick or treating for UNICEF was really fun. We try to get more people involved because ‘we are stronger together!’ and helping other people spreads joy.”

– Jenny and rebecca, class of 2020, co-leaders of service council